Escape, a cycling adventure film festival - REPLAY

(re)connect people to nature
through the wonders of cycling adventures


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Family Trip

More and more families consider to dive into cycling adventure.
Here are two families who took the dive!

  • Prends ma roue, la traversée des Rocheuses avec un bébé

    By Olivier Godin
    4700 km between Canada and Mexico, Adeline and Olivier brings us in the heart of Rocky Mountains, with their baby of 10 months.
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  • La mini passagère

    By Jeanne Lepoix
    A mini séries highlighting the first travel of Zoé 10 months old and her parents, mad of cycling. Several weeks spent on the bikes and in the trailer to discover some of the most amazing french regions.
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  • Joyeuse vadrouille

    By Tim Buisson
    During the summer 2022, Amandine, Tim and their daughter Lou went for a cycling trip for 2 months across France. This experience was the chance for them to meet landscapes, people and their daughter.
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Women are also part of the trip

An ode to women who cycle and share their adventures.
We have selected two inspiring movies.

  • Les échappées

    By Océane Le Pape and Louise Roussel
    A road movie by bike, meeting the women who ride, work and fight to open the way.
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  • Women don’t cycle

    By Manon Brulard
    A film about what it means to be a woman cycling in different countries around the world. When Manon left to cycle from Brussels to Tokyo, she took a camera with her and met other women cyclists along the way. Hear their stories!
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  • Women’s rally

    By Rugile Kaladyte and Lael Wilcox
    Adventure cycling, new friends, spectacular landscapes and tremendous support – these are the ingredients that make up the komoot Women’s Rally events the film
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From the end of the backyard
to the other end of the world

Discover travelers on bikes who have ridden to the four corners of the world, whether on ice or in the sand. Breathtaking journeys!

  • Africa

    By Quentin Clavel and Quentin Le Claire
    A travel from the north to the south of africa
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  • Le désert en solitaire

    By Victor Habchy
    A presentation from the tiktoker Victor Habchy
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  • Le tour du jardin

    By Jérémy Janin
    During Covid pandemic, stuck at home, he work on it’s more creative and demanding project!
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  • Vat Bolle

    By Enzo Valax and Benoit
    They have always dreamed of traveling and snowboarding. But the current environmental situation pushes them to think about a new way to go on an adventure. A trip, where they cross northern Norway beyond the polar circle by bike, snowboard and packraft to try to live their dream pieces there.
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  • Whiteout

    By Gaëlle Bojko
    Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in the world. It’s about 650 kilometres long and 70 kilometres wide and is located in Siberia. During three weeks, she cycled from the North end to Irkutsk, the largest city around it.
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